Secure data disposal service in Hongkong

Secure data disposal service in Hongkong

Secure data disposal is crucial task of any IT security department of any organization. Since identity theft is the fastest growing crime and the awareness of the risks associated with data leaks is slowly growing. A carelessly discarded hard drive or USB stick could contain confidential data such as credit card details, social security numbers, bank details or employee information. The unauthorized exposure of this data could easily result in identity theft.

Millions of people were victims of identity theft worldwide. In order to protect your identity, it is imperative that data is disposed of in a safe and secure manner.

Rapid technological change and the short lifespan of IT assets, has articulated the need to permanently destroy data on retired equipment. The popularity of removable media such as USB drives has grown exponentially resulting in the alarming rise in data leaks through these devices, further heightening the need to properly dispose of electronic data.

DT Asia are professional in this sector. DT Asia’s comprehensive range of secure data destruction equipment and services are in compliance to US Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security Agency (NSA) standards. Its processes are ISO 9001:2008 certified, giving customers the assurance that their data assets are properly sanitized and disposed of. Our Services are

  • Certified Secure Electronic Data Destruction Equipments
  • Endpoint Leakage Protection Solutions
  • ISO Certified Hard Disk and Magnetic Tape Erasure/Degaussing Services
  • CD/DVD, Thumb-Drive, SD/Memory Card Destruction Services
  • Certified IT Asset Disposal Services
  • Smart phone, USB, old laptops, computer, server array total data wipe and physical destruction services.

DT provides an ISO 9001 Certified for high quality Secure data disposal service on any storage media such as PATA, SATA, or SCSI. There are many options of erasure. One of it is Software Erase, by overwriting the sector of the disk with a new value with certain amount of passes to ensure that the data is harder to recover. But we also provides a better option than software erase, 「Secure Erase」 which initiate the drive internal secure erase command, security erase unit, based on the ATA specification by the T13 technical committee.

Secure data disposal

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