【網絡保安】瑞典科企推多重保安USB「Yubikey」 加強電腦保障

公眾近年關注網絡安全問題,陸續選擇啟用以雙重驗證或多重驗證方式,加強個人私隱保障。更有瑞典保安科技公司 「Yubico」推出保安USB「Yubikey」,用戶只須將該USB插上電腦,無須連接網絡及用電,便可多加一重指紋驗證保障。

保安USB「Yubikey」獲得FIDO 2認證,提供硬件雙重驗證(hardware 2-step authentication)方式。現時有很多支援雙重驗證的軟件或操作系統,如Google、Facebook、Instagram、macOS、Microsoft、dropbox、Twitter等均可使用該USB。

DT Asia Group Hong Kong Yubikey

▲ 公眾近日關注網絡安全及保障個人私隱,有瑞典保安科技公司 「Yubico」推出保安USB「Yubikey」,用戶只須將該USB插上電腦,便可多加一重指紋驗證保障。


用戶透過瀏覽器登錄帳號及輸入密碼時,要插入Yubikey及以指紋驗證才可登入戶口。然而要注意,目前支援YubiKey的瀏覽器僅為 Firefox、Chrome、Opera,不包括Safari。

支援網絡服務至作業系統 備NFC無線傳輸型號

事實上,Yubikey正支援不少知名網絡服務以至作業系統,如:科技巨企Google、Facebook、開發者平台GitHub、CRM(顧客關係管理)軟件服務提供商Salesforce等。此外,該保安科技公司另有推出不同型號的Yubikey,如「Security Key NFC by Yubico」及「YubiKey 5 NFC」則備有NFC無線傳輸系統,也可連接電話加強保護;YubiKey 5 Series則可選擇USB Type-C及Lighting接口。

▲ 據Yubico官網顯示,無NFC無線傳輸系統的基本型號「Security Key by Yubico」最便宜,以20美元(約157港元)已可入手。(Yubico官網截圖)


據Yubico官網顯示,無NFC無線傳輸系統的基本型號「Security Key by Yubico」最便宜,以20美元(約157港元)已可入手。備有NFC無線傳輸系統的「Security Key NFC by Yubico」售27美元(約212港元);其較受歡迎的型號「YubiKey 5 NFC」則售45美元(約353港元)。


Source: https://inews.hket.com/article/2469304/

English version:


Recently, the public is concerned about network security and the protection of personal privacy. The Swedish security technology company "Yubico" has launched a security USB "Yubikey". Users only need to plug the USB into the computer to add extra fingerprint verification protection.

▲ The public has recently paid attention to network security and the protection of personal privacy. Swedish security technology company “Yubico” has launched a security USB “Yubikey”. Users only need to plug the USB into the computer to add extra fingerprint verification protection.

In recent years, the public has paid attention to the issue of network security, and has successively chosen to enable two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication to strengthen personal privacy protection. In addition, the Swedish security technology company “Yubico” launched a security USB ” Yubikey “. Users only need to plug the USB into the computer, without connecting to the Internet and using electricity, they can add an additional fingerprint verification protection.

Security USB “Yubikey” has obtained FIDO 2 certification, providing hardware 2-step authentication. At present, there are many software or operating systems that support two-factor authentication, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, macOS, Microsoft, dropbox, Twitter, etc. The USB can be used.

When a user logs in to an account through a browser and enters a password, he must insert Yubikey and authenticate with a fingerprint to log in to the account. Note, however, that the browsers that currently support YubiKey are only Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and not Safari.

Support network service to operating system with NFC wireless transmission model

In fact, Yubikey is supporting many well-known Internet services and operating systems, such as: Google, Facebook, developer platform GitHub, CRM (customer relationship management) software service provider Salesforce, and so on. In addition, the security technology company also launched different models of Yubikey. For example, “Security Key NFC by Yubico” and “YubiKey 5 NFC” are equipped with NFC wireless transmission system and can be connected to the phone for enhanced protection. Type-C and Lighting interface.

According to Yubico's official website, the basic model "Security Key by Yubico" without NFC wireless transmission system is the cheapest, and it can be started for US $ 20 (about HK $ 157). (Screenshot of Yubico's official website)▲ According to Yubico’s official website, the basic model “Security Key by Yubico” without NFC wireless transmission system is the cheapest, and it can be started for 20 US dollars (about 157 Hong Kong dollars). (Screenshot of Yubico’s official website)

According to Yubico’s official website, the basic model “Security Key by Yubico” without NFC wireless transmission system is the cheapest, and it can be started for US $ 20 (about HK $ 157). The “Security Key NFC by Yubico” with NFC wireless transmission system sells for $ 27 (about HK $ 212); its more popular model “YubiKey 5 NFC” sells for $ 45 (about HK $ 353).

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Baoyan


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